In English | Sunday | March 26| 8pm (2pm EDT) | CLICK HERE TO REGISTER >>
The Babylonian Talmud contains numerous passages relating to healing and medical protection. In this session, we focus on the nature of these rabbinic healings and prescriptions and their relation to contemporary magical texts and findings.
Across the ancient world people sought a variety of means of protection from the hardships of their daily lives. Turning to magic to secure love, health, livelihood, and safety was common. Jews, in their resort to amulets, spells and various magical practices, were no different from their non-Jewish neighbors. In the last few decades, as more texts and artifacts have been discovered, scholars have recognized the central role that magic played in the ancient Jewish world more broadly.
This series focuses on ancient Jewish magical practices found in rabbinic literature and in archeological artifacts, including the differences between the forbidden witchcraft (kishuf) and the legitimate magical practices intended to combat demons and disease. The series highlights the importance of studying rabbinic texts and contemporary magical compositions in light of one another and demonstrates that the world views of ancient Jewish magical practitioners and rabbis were not as distinct as previously believed.
עוד בבית אבי חי