An Old-New Land: Theodor Herzl - The Man and the Vision

הכרטיסים אזלו


As we mark Israel's 75th birthday, we look back at the days when the country was just a dream, and at the man who dreamed it.

Author Matti Friedman and news anchor Tamar Ish Shalom   in a special conversation about the enigmatic character of Theodor Herzl. Using his writing, and with rare footage, they  return to his foundational works and discuss the gap between vision and reality.


"Dreams and actions are not so different as usually thought", Herzl wrote, "as all actions of men are founded upon dreams, and their end is a dream too."

Herzl died at 44, after only eight years of tireless efforts to bring an unlikely idea to life. He convened Zionist Congresses, wrote articles and books, and traveled the world to meet generals, politicians, and emperors. He created  a global movement and earned both detractors who saw him as delusional and fervent supporters who saw him as a Messiah. We live in the country he imagined. But would he recognize it?


As we mark Israel's 75th birthday, we look back at the days when the country was just a dream, and at the man who dreamed it.  Author Matti Friedman and news anchor Tamar Ish Shalom   in a special conversation about the enigmatic character of Theodor Herzl. Using his writing, and with rare footage, they  return to his foundational works and discuss the gap between vision and reality.

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